Those Who Achieve a Dream Then Live Bored

October 27th, 2023

Dreams are meant to be achieved. They are meant to be chased after. They are meant to be the light at the end of the tunnel you always push to reach. They are meant to be the mountaintop you are trying to summit. Dreams are meant to be dreams until you make them real. You make them real by working to turn the dream into a reality.

Children are the best and most creative dreamers. Their dreams for their future seem to change daily. One day they want to be a garbage man, the next a professional athlete, and the next an astronaut. They dream they can be anything. They dream about what’s possible and what’s not. But they dream. Adults lose this sense of creativity. They lose the ability to dream about anything and everything. They set their eyes on one dream and then when they achieve it, when they reach the light at the end of the tunnel, and when they reach that summit, they become stuck—they become bored.

The child who wanted to become a doctor their whole life lived their life a certain way. They tried hard in school to achieve high grades. They studied certain classes in college so they could apply to medical school. They entered medical school and progressed from being a student to being a resident, to finally being a fully operational and licensed doctor. They realized their dream. But then they become bored with life.

People in situations like this become bored with life because they have realized their dreams. They no longer have that pursuit that is pulling them out of bed in the morning. They have made something a reality they have spent their whole lives chasing. The boredom that comes after realizing a dream is typically a sign to find a new dream. It’s a sign to latch onto something new that is exciting, different, and far away.

The chase for that new thing is what will remove the boredom these people feel. These people have to choose to be like children again, they have to choose to dream again. They have to choose to be creative and open their minds to the possibilities of a new dream. Without opting back into a dreaming state, life will continue to be mundane and filled with boredom. It is the chase of a new dream that leads these people to find the joy and excitement in life again. Achieve a dream but don’t live bored, find a new dream and keep your life exciting.

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