Those Who Dream Big, Achieve, and Dream Bigger

October 29th, 2023

The ideal, fulfilling flow for life is to create a dream in your mind, set your sights on it, and then work towards completing that dream. When that dream is completed, you then set your sights on a new dream and redo the process to achieve it. Life is a repeating cycle in this way. Dream. Process and Plan. Achieve. Then dream again. With every new dream you latch onto you have a new purpose for how you’ll live your life. You have a reason for getting out of bed and you have a reason for why you’re doing what you’re doing. You have a plan but you have the underlying purpose for why you’re following the plan. Your dream and subsequent fulfillment of said dream encompasses your pursuit and gives your life purpose.

Big people have big dreams. Small people have small dreams. If you box yourself into the potential of small dreams you will never reach your full potential. It’s only through letting your mind wander and letting your creativity flow that you open yourself up to the unknown possibilities that dreams can bring you. If you want to change the person you are you must begin by changing the size of the dreams you dream. One big dream broken down into incremental steps, time frames, and a plan, is one big dream waiting to be achieved. For every big dream, there are the countless steps needed to achieve. But that first step starts with having the dream.

People who dream big, achieve that dream, and then dream even bigger to achieve even more are people we should aspire to be. The journey of life is never-ending if we seek a life with purpose, passions, and pursuits. From one conquest, mountaintop, and light at the end of the tunnel will always come the next thing we are chasing. The chase comes from dreaming big. The chase comes from being relentless in your desire to fall in love with the process. The chase comes from realizing that it’s through the process, it’s through incrementally improving as you chase a dream, that life is never about the destination but always about the journey. You fall in love with the journey and feel a yearning and constant need to be involved with a journey after you have completed one. You itch to get back on the hunt, back following pursuits, back on the chase, back dreaming big, and back achieving.

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