Those Who Dream Big with No Plan

October 28th, 2023

Manifesting the creativity and expansive reach the dreams that children have opens you up to the unlimited possibilities for what you can accomplish with your life. When you choose to dream big, anything is possible. You are changing your outlook on life so that you are no longer satisfied with the ease of small dreams. You don’t want what is already within reach, you want what you can barely see and what you can barely imagine. Dreaming big is exciting and makes your life worthwhile. The world is your oyster when you open your mind, spirit, soul, and body to the potential of what you can create and shape your existence to be.

So many people who dream big do so without any inclination to form a plan to actually achieve what their big dream is. These are dreamers who dream big but dream big with no plan so they end up accomplishing nothing. These people are constantly stumbling across new investment opportunities that will make them rich, thinking of new business ideas that will revolutionize industries, and saying that they will be starting fresh tomorrow and “turning over a new leaf.” They think the next opportunity will be the one they have been chasing all this time, it will be “their big break.” All of these big dreams and big ideas, but no results appear.

These people have escaped the pitfalls of dreaming small dreams or dreaming in the past and are constantly excited about new opportunities, so they aren’t living bored. But they are people who will struggle to realize their dreams because of their obsession with reaching for the next big thing. These dreamers tend to think that finding success or realizing your dreams comes from lucky breaks. They think if they can find a way to manipulate the process they will be able to experience the success they dream of.

The reality is big dreams do not solve themselves overnight. Big dreams take solid plans. Plans that have been hardened and iterated upon over days, months, and years of effort. It also oftentimes takes a team beside you to realize these big dreams. Moving alone in pursuit of your dreams is another sign that you may have nothing to show for it at the end of the day. If you dream big, find others to dream big with you. You can dream big all you want. You can lean into the creativity and never-ending reach of your childhood imagination to create these dreams but without proper planning and support, your dreams will stay dreams, no matter how “big” these dreams are.

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