Those Who Dream in the Past

October 25th, 2023

Dreams are a way to encapsulate what could happen in the future while also picturing how the past could have been different. Dreams are a way to escape the present and picture how your life could be different. Dreams are a way to cope but also a way to inspire and bring about change in your life. Dreams are dreams until they become reality. There are many types of dreams people can have. These types of dreams inherently label you as a specific type of dreamer. The most unfortunate type of dreamer you can be is someone who dreams in the past.

Dreamers who dream in the past are people who believe the best parts of their lives are behind them. They believe what they did before is better than anything they can do in the future. These are people who get stuck in conversations with you about what they did in high school, what they did during their days in the army, how hard they used to work growing up on their family farm, and how much fun they used to have on their time square. These people are enthralled with the idea of what used to be. These people are dreamers who live in the past.

A person who dreams this way is a person whose life is essentially over. They are so hung up on what was once, what once happened, and what once was possible, that they remove all expectations and desires of the present moment and the future. When asked about future plans they don’t have answers because they refuse to hope, dream, and prepare for the rest of their lives. They are stuck in a rut where they only believe their life was better in the past. They firmly believe they “peaked” prior in life and nothing will ever compare to who or what they used to be.

The only way for these types of dreamers to reclaim their lives is to switch the types of dreams they have. Without switching, they may not be physically dead, they are of course still breathing, but they aren’t truly alive. By switching the types of dreams they have they switch their philosophy for the rest of their lives. Through a switch in philosophy, they are able to rekindle the hope and potential dreams can and should bring them. Without the switch, the fire inside of them will continue to smolder until one day it extinguishes entirely.

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