Those Who Dream Small

October 26th, 2023

Dreams come in all shapes and sizes. Some are quick and fleeting that are forgotten by the time you open your eyes. Others are dreams that pull you back into a slumber because you want to find yourself back in them. Some dreams are grand and luxurious. Some are somber and dangerous. Some dreams are big. Some dreams are small. Some dreams give you a reason to work hard. Others give you a reason to maintain the same. The dreams that limit you the most are the small dreams already within reach.

People who only dream small dreams are people who live self-limiting lives. They are people who don’t push to feel uncomfortable and aim to do what they have almost always done. These people aren’t looking for adventure nor are they looking for challenges or hardship. They choose to dream small because they have convinced themselves that only by lowering their expectations will they feel confident and ultimately find success.

People living life this way, confining themselves to small dreams, would rather live small than face the thrills, potential, and risks of dreaming large. They will hide behind excuses later on in life when they say they should’ve tried harder or that they should’ve taken the chance. These are merely excuses old age caused them to say because, in the moment, they wouldn’t change anything. They would continue living their lives with no changes in place. They would continue chasing after small dreams where there was minimal danger, doubt, and failure possible.

These types of dreamers are the most dangerous to be around you in your own life. They are content with their lives and don’t see an issue with wanting things to remain the way they are. Their dreams and habits can infiltrate your mindset and outlook on life if you let them have influence on you. They can remove the desire and dedication from your own life. The way to handle people who dream small is to let them be. You should let them live their lives while you continue leading yours. Most of these people won’t go anywhere else dramatically different in their lives and that’s okay. They seem to be happy with their decisions to dream small and live small.

Small dreams are a limiting part of life that sculpts the outcome of a person’s life. The reason the saying “Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you’ll land among the stars” exists is so people dream big and aim for what’s possible. People who dream small don’t adhere to this mantra, they just dream about continuing life as is. They dream small with no extra worry in their lives.

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