
September 9th, 2023

In the movie Oppenheimer there is a scene where Robert Oppenheimer is walking with Albert Einstein in the forest and Einstein states that, “Trees are the most inspiring structures.” This statement is more accurate than not. If you have not spent time staring at trees around your house, walking on a path covered in trees, or immersing yourself in nature, you should immediately prioritize this practice. Spending time looking up at trees opens your eyes and mind to the idea that awe can be experienced frequently. Every tree is a unique biological creation. They have evolved to thrive in their particular environments. They boast a hardened defense system of bark, an internal vein construction that allows nutrients to flow and can have root systems hundreds of miles long. All of these features to stand the test of time. All of these features to weather the seasons of the year. All of these features to become the backbone for countless ecosystems and for the human race.

Without trees, humans would have struggled to find the means to evolve society. Without trees, sustained fire would be difficult to have. Fire and cooking of meat enabled humans to gain more calories, and preserve food, and led to a rapid development from the nomadic tribes to more civilized societies. Without trees, living conditions would have struggled to improve and the age of expansion may have never happened. Lumber became the core ingredient for building homes that could withstand and keep out weather. Lumber became the main feature of the large ships used to cross the Atlantic. Lastly, without trees, humans would have struggled to pass on knowledge from generation to generation. Yes, stone tablets could be used as an alternative but the creation of paper and the printing press made the transmission of information, data, and stories, accessible to anyone. Without trees, humanity as we know it is nonexistent.

The last section spoke about the benefits trees have provided to humanity. But trees do so much more than provide physical benefits. They offer an infinite supply of inspiration and creative energy. They offer spiritual honey that brings you out of any funk when you are around them. Humans are pulled to be outside in the natural world and trees are a big point of attraction. There is something extraordinary about the beauty of the White Aspen trees you see in Colorado, the immense size of the Sequoia or Redwood trees in California, the otherworldly features of the Dragon Blood Tree, the smell of Pine trees up North, and the sturdiness of old oaks. While just a handful of examples, each of these species offers different points of awe.

A tree is so much more than just a tree. They are structures and living beings that have changed and continue to change, the direction of the world. The next time you are walking outside, put your phone away and look up. Experience and bask in their glory.

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