Understand Language

September 12th, 2023

You are unique in your ability to understand and speak with language. There are many animals who have ways to communicate but humans are the only ones that speak at the level we do. Across the globe, there are over 7,000 different human-spoken languages. The human brain allows us to conceptualize what every symbol, word, or letter, means in order to bring perceived meaning to it. This understanding lets language be everywhere. Everywhere you go you will see advertising using words, you will interact with people using words, you will think to yourself using words, the powers of language permeate in every walk of life every single day.

Since language is everywhere you are doing yourself a disservice if you do not learn to become a master communicator. The people who know what they want and can explain what they want effectively will achieve what they want. People look to be around people with charisma. In business, in relationships, and in making friends, it is the best communicators who are the most successful. It is the people who know how to read a room, understand the tone that is needed, and then command a room who are able to take control of any situation. Language is the tool that must be utilized effectively if you are looking to lead the life you want to live.

The spoken language is not the only type of language that humans are capable of. Our minds enable us the power to interpret body language. We know what an angry face looks like compared to one filled with joy. We know when our partner is quiet and in a bad mood compared to their normal bubbly personality. We can think and react to this language based on how we interpret the messages. Understanding body language combined with an understanding of the spoken language is pivotal for becoming a master communicator. No one is impressed by the speaker who gives a monotone presentation. They are captivated by the speaker who can read and interact with their audience’s body language to make the presentation more personable and engaging.

Language is the key that unlocks the doors to every interaction in the world. Without language, there is no way to communicate with each other. Without language, we are billions of the same creatures with no means of interaction. With language, we come together to progress and advance the world. Language is powerful. Language is the human experience.

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