Validation Holds Back

November 14th, 2023

Humans are social creatures and interaction amongst others is craved. This is not a new theme. It’s a repeated idea that many perspectives of life stem from the idea that humans have evolved to live life together. We aren’t meant to be alone. We love communion with others and the relationships life brings. Who we surround ourselves with matters. The ideas, actions, and habits we have are correlated to those whom we spend the most time with. We pull from others and they pull from us. With so much social interaction innately in our DNA it’s difficult to avoid the need to seek validation from those around you. You want others to respect you, to enjoy spending time with you, and to value what you bring to the table. But seeking validation can be detrimental to your life if you let it be your sole reason for acting, or not acting. When you remove “validation” from the pedestal you may have it on, you can start living a free life— a free life that is completely yours.

When you seek validation you inherently live a fear-based life. You are worried about what others will think of you when you say something or when you don’t. You are worried about what others will think of you when you act or when you don’t. Seeking validation makes your life cater to what you think those around you will think. You are no longer in control of your life because you are dictating every choice, thought, and action based on what you think others will think about you. When seeking validation controls your life you let your emotional responses be dictated by the thoughts of others. Your happiness is reliant and dictated by the absolute need for others to be nice to you, to respect you, and to cherish time with you. Your confidence comes from the perceived value you give to others. You value validation and without it, you feel less than, you feel lost. A life lived for validation is a life that is lost before it can begin.

Dropping the need for validation makes you fearless. Instead of your confidence coming from external sources, and the validation of others, you find yourself living your life for you. You realize that confidence must come from within. From within is where you will be your strongest. You are no longer held back by the need for validation and it’s all-encompassing wrap it has around your thoughts, actions, and decisions. The external pulls of validation will hold you back because you are basing your life on the response of others. Remove the need for validation, live your life based on your internal fire, and take control of where you will go.

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