Why Wait?

April 19th, 2023

The two ideas of either having a plan or just starting are two sides of the equation relating to any new endeavor pursued. Both sides of this equation come together to solve the question, why wait? Regardless of if you plan something out and then act or simply start and figure it out along the way, waiting to act is the only course of action that produces negligible results. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, next month is many days away, and next year is even further, there is no reason to wait. Act immediately and begin stacking your bricks. Each brick stacked today leads to more of a foundation for tomorrow.

Waiting does almost nothing but push off the action you want to achieve. There will never be the absolute “perfect” time to act there will only be a time where you have yet to start, and a time where you have started. By acting immediately instead of incessantly pushing action off, we are able to begin to form habits. Through repetition of these actions, new habits form. Speed in this sense is criminally under-appreciated. Speed to act. Speed to commit. Speed to follow through with the idea. By not delaying our action we are able to seek the benefits of choosing today, of choosing this hour, of choosing this minute. Life and time on Earth are not promised. Acting with speed lets us realize the most potential we have in any particular moment.

“Speed is perpetually undervalued. Asking that person out today means you get to live more of your life with them and less of your life waiting. Starting your business today means you begin learning immediately and have more time to figure out what works. Go fast. The future is never guaranteed and the right time may never come.”— James Clear

The examples above are end products of action taken today and what they can lead to tomorrow and beyond. There is little reason to wait. If we have any sort of dream, desire, or part of ourselves we want to change, a little action today is the first domino to fall in the path to achieving what we crave in the future. By waiting, we are only delaying the first step of our quest. Why wait when tomorrow is not promised? Why wait when circumstances may never be better? Why wait to learn from failures along the way?

I won’t wait to find out.

I will act.


or to participate.