Win the Weekend

January 28th, 2023

A lot of people look forward to the weekend because it offers them an escape from their traditional 9-5 schedule. Kids look forward to weekends because they don’t have school. People generally look forward to the weekend because it allows you to do what you want to do. Many people use the weekend to relax, party, and escape from their weekday lives. If you have particular fandoms with any football teams, you can spend hours on the weekend parked on the couch watching other people play a game. That’s the American Dream!

I will be the first to say, I do not win every weekend. I enjoy watching sports, especially football, and normally do. I fail to wake up early every Saturday and Sunday. I fail to work on passion projects and ways to improve every weekend. That being said, I notice a 180-degree difference in the weekends when I wake up early and accomplish things compared to the weekends when I sleep in, party, and sit on the couch watching sports.

I could say I am being a hypocrite when I write about winning the weekend but I won’t. I will instead say I am giving myself an honest assessment of where I am, compared to where I want to be. I want to be a person who treats the weekend like any other day, except for the fact I have many more hours to focus on deep work and accomplish what I want. I do not want to be someone who uses the weekend as an escape. Nor do I want to be someone who wakes up Monday morning with regret over how I spent my time on Saturday and Sunday.

I believe there is a major difference in growth, productivity, and performance between individuals who take the weekend off and those who use the extra time to their advantage. I want to continue changing to become someone who never doubts the effectiveness of my weekend. I want to win every weekend. In order to do so I need to be deliberate with how I spend my time and the choices I make. I know I must plan ahead and decide what needs to be done, then execute. It is an uncommon practice to use the weekend for periods of improvement. It is uncommon to wake up early on the weekend and go work out. I want to be uncommon. In being uncommon on the weekend, you are more easily able to separate yourself from your competitors.

These thoughts are not to say you cannot enjoy weekends. They are also not saying I will not enjoy my weekends. I will. I will also prioritize balance and still make quality choices to help me win in the long run. I want to continue getting better in my own life and with my own practices. Winning the weekend on a consistent basis is something I believe will get me there.

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