3 Daily Challenges

December 12th, 2023

Following the idea that to achieve a fulfilled life you need to be participating in 3 distinct areas: physical, mental, and spiritual, it is also true that adding challenges into your life daily will dramatically improve your desire to wake up and attack the day. A life as a whole worth living is a fulfilled life, but you don’t live your life in its entirety all at once. You are living your life one day at a time. You can only live in the present moment. What has happened in the past and what is yet to happen is still to come. Having challenges you can attack daily in the realms of the physical, the mental, and the spiritual is how you stack every day you live to add up to a fulfilled life overall. Fulfillment doesn’t come instantly nor does it come without effort. Fulfillment comes through the continued practice of acting in ways that lead you to follow your daily challenges. Every day, every challenge, every ounce of effort and deliberate thought and focus brings you closer to the fulfilled life you seek. The daily intention of striving for your goals in the realms that bring fulfillment should be one of the highest items on your to-do list.

Physically, your body and everyone’s human body is meant to move. Find a physical goal and move your body, repeatedly, daily. If you want to gain muscle, find a lifting program and stick to it. Spend more days in the gym than not. Spend more days moving your body than not. Spend more days attacking a physical goal than not and you can mark off this piece of fulfillment as being well on the path to obtainment.

Mentally, a day where you don’t use your brain is a wasted day. Everyone knows that feeling. The feeling of sleeping in until 10 am in the morning, moving to the couch, aimlessly scrolling through the television. You are stuck in a groggy haze of pity letting life take control of you. Avoid this feeling. Take control of your life and use your mind. Use what you are blessed to have as a human. Set a goal of reading a book this month and then chip away at it daily. Sign up for a chess membership and begin learning the complex skill of playing this ancient game. Write in a journal about your day or write short stories about inspiration within your mind. Practice a skill that requires complete focus and deliberate intention and you can ward off the feelings of being a waste of space. Practice a skill that requires your mind daily and there will never be a day where you don’t grow.

Spiritually, do what your heart couldn’t live without. Do what doesn’t feel like work to you but may feel like work to others. Do what makes you feel free. Do what makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning. Practice your passions and follow where you ultimately find your purpose. The realm of spirituality can be anything and it isn’t as black and white as the mental or physical worlds are. If it ignites a fire inside of you, chase it. Chase it daily. It can be a more literal interpretation of practicing your faith or it could be choosing to spend family time or working on your side hustle until that side hustle can become your career. Follow where your energy effortlessly takes you and you will have a spiritual goal. The spiritual goal is for the soul and is what keeps you alive, it needs kindling daily.

Take the perspective of following the 3 pieces to fulfillment and scale them back to a daily level. Fulfillment doesn’t come instantly. Your life isn’t seen in a moment. Your life is seen on a daily level. Take it one day at a time and attack the areas where you will find fulfillment. Day after day, goal after goal, pursuit after pursuit. You will ultimately be able to look back on your life with appreciation and a feeling of relief because you never chose to be passive, you always chose to be an active participator in your life and what would bring you not only fulfillment but also purpose. Your life may span a long time, but your daily actions bring meaning to your time on Earth.

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