The First Move

November 15th, 2023

The first move is the scariest move. It’s the move that the most people don’t want to do. Being a pioneer is difficult. Summoning the courage to act when no one else has places you directly in the spotlight. A spotlight where discomfort, failure, and rejection can flood in. The fear of not wanting to act first holds you back. This idea is less about the tangible action and more about the limitations you let fear have on your life when you fail to act first.

When you’re scared to act first, you rely on the “permission” from others to let you act. You look around and survey what those around you are doing before you act. You think about what the group will do and then wait for them to act before you do anything. You let the group, or the herd, around you tell you what is acceptable to do. You’re not in control of your life because your actions are dictated by those around you. You’re fearful of being an anomaly, of having your own opinion, and of being first. The fear of being first and the fear of moving first prevents you from leaping at opportunities until others have already dove in.

Fear controls your life when you are scared of making the first move. When fear controls you in this way, it is inherently denying you opportunities. If you are too scared to act until others have already moved and started, you will miss out on the juiciest part and will be left with crumbs. First movers have the advantage of being first. They are there ahead of everyone else and are able to iterate and construct ways to succeed. When fear prohibits you from acting until someone else has already acted, you miss out on the benefits of moving first.

You need to remove the fear of being first when you want to make the first move. This isn’t an instant on-off switch. You need to practice acting first regularly so that you get more comfortable with being first. Through the practice of choosing to act you are renouncing the fear you have led your life with up to this point. Over time acting first will no longer be a question in your mind. You will accept and have faith that your decisions and actions have merit and that you should take the chance—before someone else can beat you to it. Act for yourself. Don’t wait for others to steal your show. Act first.

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