January Month Recap

January 31st, 2023

January saw me begin this journey and after being officially 1 month in, I wanted to recap all the topics I have written about so far. I expect this end-of-month recap to be something I do every month for the rest of the year. I view it as a good reset point as I lead into the next month of content.

I believe this also provides an opportunity for any new subscribers to go back and check out posts they have missed. If you have read all of them, thank you! You can use today’s to go back and reread and share some of your favorites.

Additionally, today’s edition is a fantastic one to share with anyone you believe will enjoy what I am writing. I am looking to grow and reach more people’s inboxes, so if you have anyone in mind, please share my work! If everyone reading this shares with 1 person that makes a huge difference in the audience I am reaching.

1/1 The Goal: My first post discusses the reasons behind this newsletter and what I am trying to do.

1/2 Read That Book: A discussion on my passion for reading and a perspective on why you should start.

1/3 Focus on Yourself: Me time is important, take care of yourself.

1/4 Uplifting Others: A self-reflection on how I have grown to encourage others to reach their potential.

1/5 The Realities of Family Time: Perspective on how fleeting family time really is as you enter adult life.

1/6 The Struggles of Being a Big Brother: A self-reflection on my personal struggles as a Big Brother.

1/7 The Beauty of Being a Big Brother: A self-reflection on the joy being a big brother brings me.

1/8 Becoming a Runner: A narrative of my journey to becoming a runner.

1/9 Reset: Why you should take “reset” periods in your life.

1/10 Personal Identifiers: What you tell yourself you are is what you will become.

1/11 Intrinsic Motivation: How to find intrinsic motivation in your life and the importance of doing so.

1/12 Just Start: So many people are stuck in the “planning” phase, just start.

1/13 Self-Doubt: How self-doubt hurts you but can be used to motivate you.

1/14 Just Post It: In today’s age of social media, you should feel free to put yourself out there, just post it.

1/15 Post and Forget It: When you post, there is no need to obsess over everything about the post.

1/16 Fandom: The powerful and positive side of having a fandom.

1/17 The Dark Side of Fandom: Where fandom can take a turn and why there is no place for it.

1/18 Old Friendships: Friendships stand the test of time, reconnect with those you have not seen in a while.

1/19 The Duality of Memories: Memories, both the good and the bad, make us who we are.

1/20 Win the Seconds: Success can be won in the seconds of each day, win the seconds, win your day.

1/21 Failure: Everyone fails. Learn to embrace failure as a means to grow.

1/22 Try New Things: New things are always hard to start, try them, learn, and grow.

1/23 Journaling: Why I journal, how I journal, and ways you could start.

1/24 Share a Smile: Smiles are easy to create, share them with others. There is unlimited upside.

1/25 Self-Negotiation: The Inner voice wants you to do the easy thing. Don’t listen.

1/26 Solitude: Enjoy periods of being alone. Learn to embrace the power in these moments.

1/27 Feedback: Feedback is a gift, use it as a means to grow.

1/28 Win the Weekend: The weekend is not only a break, use it to your advantage.

1/29 The Ego: There is more bad than good that comes out of having a strong ego. Soften the ego to evolve.

1/30 There is No Easy Way Out: The work is not going to change, you need to do more than simply show up to achieve what you want to.

Thank you for your support. Your kind words, feedback, and suggestions only encourage me to keep going. 1 month down, 11 more to achieve my goal.

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