April Month Recap

April 30th, 2023

With a fourth month done, I once again wanted to recap the past month. We are officially 4 out of 12 months done with this part of the journey.

Check out my March recap here.

Check out my February recap here.

Check out my January recap here.

I am doing the recap as a monthly practice so any new subscribers can go back and check out posts they have missed. If you have read all of them, thank you! You can use today’s to go back and reread and share some of your favorites.

Additionally, today’s edition is a fantastic one to share with anyone you believe will enjoy what I am writing. I am looking to grow and reach more people’s inboxes, so if you have anyone in mind, please share my work! If you have enjoyed my words and perspectives, please pass the message to someone else! If everyone reading this shares with 1 person that makes a huge difference in the audience I am reaching.

4/1 Lose the Battle, Win the War: There are many ups and downs in life. Pick your battles and keep going.

4/2 Time for a Switch-up? Changing routines can be the best opportunity to stimulate growth.

4/3 Ambition vs Entitlement: Ambition is how we earn everything we think we deserve.

4/4 Little Actions: Actions small to us can have enormous impacts on others. Little actions matter.

4/5 Follow Passion: Without passion, we lack purpose. Find passion to find the purpose.

4/6 On the Unknown: Leaning in and accepting the unknown is how we can find unlimited opportunities.

4/7 Outliers: Outliers become outliers through environment and effort. We can all be outliers.

4/8 The Payoff: The feeling we get after achievement is the payoff. After one payoff comes the search for that next payoff.

4/9 Lean Into Strengths: Getting better at our strengths is how we become the 1% of what we do.

4/10 Early Mornings and Late Nights: The time periods when other people are asleep can be used as an opportunity for us to find our competitive advantage.

4/11 2 Groups: There are people who consume and people who seek. Which are you?

4/12 Hyper-Stimulation Robs: Society is robbed of its attention. Limit the distractions to achieve.

4/13 Good or Bad Day? What makes a good day good? Find out and replicate.

4/14 Direct Attention: Choosing where we place our attention dictates the results we find.

4/15 Be the Driver: Everyone should be in the driver’s seat of their own lives.

4/16 Sunk Cost: It is never too late to pivot if things are not working.

4/17 The Greater the Success: For every great success there loomed an increasingly difficult challenge to overcome.

4/18 Excuse or Explanation: When we fail what is our reaction? Do we find people to blame or look internally to learn and grow?

4/19 Why Wait? There is no better time to start than today. There is no reason to be stuck waiting.

4/20 Denial: In the face of denial we should find areas where self-improvement is needed and get better.

4/21 Disagreement: Disagreement means other perspectives are being considered. Use disagreement to grow, not destruct.

4/22 Enough is Enough: Everyone has a limit. Reach your limit, and change.

4/23 Percentages Over Absolutes: Telling the story via a percentage can give us more motivation to keep going. It conceptualizes progress easier.

4/24 Who Notices? A much smaller amount of people than we think truly notice what we do. Act without fear of judgment.

4/25 Genuine People Matter: It has become increasingly harder to find genuine people. If you find people who show their true selves to you, count yourself as lucky.

4/26 On Love: Love gives reason to continue and countless lessons to learn from.

4/27 Expertise Not Required: No one is an expert when they start. Do not let this fact deter you from starting your own pursuit.

4/28 Learning is Wasted with No Action: Learning requires action for it to be instilled and understood completely. Without action, anything learned falls away.

4/29 Find Proof to Find Confidence: Stop only telling yourself you can do something and show yourself you can. The proof is in the concept.


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