August Month Recap

August 31st, 2023

With the eighth month done, I once again wanted to recap the past month. We are officially 8 out of 12 months done with this part of the journey.

Check out my July recap here.

Check out my June recap here.

Check out my May recap here.

Check out my April recap here.

Check out my March recap here.

Check out my February recap here.

Check out my January recap here.

I am doing the recap as a monthly practice so any new subscribers can go back and check out posts they have missed. If you have read all of them, thank you! You can use today’s to go back and reread and share some of your favorites.

Additionally, today’s edition is a fantastic one to share with anyone you believe will enjoy what I am writing. I am looking to grow and reach more people’s inboxes, so if you have anyone in mind, please share my work! If you have enjoyed my words and perspectives, please pass the message to someone else! If everyone reading this shares with 1 person that makes a huge difference in the audience I am reaching.

8/1 Just Ask: You can ask for literately anything, just ask to see what happens.

8/2 Move the Needle: Being busy does not mean you are being productive. Find tasks that provide progress.

8/3 Delete for Greatness: Deleting bad habits and practices is a key part of improving that is often neglected.

8/4 Prove Yourself Right: It is important to prove yourself right because you are the only one living your life.

8/5 Broke vs Poor: Being broke and being poor are not the same thing. Broke is a temporary status. Poor confines you for life.

8/6 How to Afford: Do not say “I can’t afford,” ask yourself “How can I afford?” You will find solutions.

8/7 Pursuing: Pursuing is a powerful action. Be relentless with what you are pursuing.

8/8 Speed vs Rushing: Speed is working efficiently and rushing is cutting corners.

8/9 Procrastination: Everyone procrastinates but there are different types of procrastinating.

8/10 Pick up or Put down the Bottle? There are pros and cons to drinking alcohol, figure out what works best for you.

8/11 Subconscious Training: Where the mind goes, the body will follow. Tell yourself you are something and you will become that something.

8/12 Mountains and Oceans: The natural world has many parallels and metaphors for our own lives. The mountains and oceans are two of the strongest examples.

8/13 No Change: If you are consistently working and see no change, you need to switch up your process.

8/14 The Story We Tell: Rewrite the story you tell yourself so you can start writing the story of your life in the present, not in the past.

8/15 Dig Holes: Humans need purpose, just like dogs, otherwise we will “dig holes” in our lives.

8/16 Confidence Competency Cycle: As we can confidence we gain competence, as we gain competence we gain confidence, it is a cycle.

8/17 Goldilocks Zone: We operate best when we work in a rewarding and challenging area, the Goldilocks Zone of life.

8/18 Build in Public: Announcing your goals to others gives you a higher sense of accountability than if you kept your goals internal.

8/19 Get Goosebumps: Keep iterating what you are doing until you get goosebumps with the end result. Create awe.

8/20 Goal Focused: Commit to chasing goals and you have guiding lights for how you live life.

8/21 Butterfly Effect: Every choice you have made has brought you to exactly the point where you are today.

8/22 The 3 P’s: Passions, pursuits, and purpose are the fundamental points of living a fulfilled life.

8/23 Find Your Obsession: Find what you obsess about and never work another day in your life.

8/24 Life Splits: Changes in life happen even in the most unexpected ways. You can choose to embrace the change and see what is new, or remain and stay with what is known.

8/25 The Power of Yet: Adding “yet” to any statement implies that you are on a path to progress. Even if you cannot do something today, you just cannot do it “yet."

8/26 I want to Feel Happy: Feeling happy can be cheated, choose to feel fulfilled, proud or accomplished instead.

8/27 Rest and Recover: You cannot be active 24/7. Rest and recovery are requirements to achieving what you want to achieve.

8/28 Relationship Longevity: Relationships are not only sunshine and rainbows. For every longstanding relationship, the people involved have weathered tough times. It is a commitment for the good and the bad.

8/29 The Adult Conversation: The most needed words are sometimes the hardest words to say.

8/30 The Rule of 3: Try something enough times to have a majority opinion on it.

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