July Month Recap

July 31st, 2023

With a seventh month done, I once again wanted to recap the past month. We are officially 7 out of 12 months done with this part of the journey.

Check out my June recap here.

Check out my May recap here.

Check out my April recap here.

Check out my March recap here.

Check out my February recap here.

Check out my January recap here.

I am doing the recap as a monthly practice so any new subscribers can go back and check out posts they have missed. If you have read all of them, thank you! You can use today’s to go back and reread and share some of your favorites.

Additionally, today’s edition is a fantastic one to share with anyone you believe will enjoy what I am writing. I am looking to grow and reach more people’s inboxes, so if you have anyone in mind, please share my work! There is a share button at the bottom of this page. If you have enjoyed my words and perspectives, please pass the message to someone else! If everyone reading this shares with 1 person that makes a huge difference in the audience I am reaching.

7/1 The Paradox of Skill: As skill increases all-around, luck plays a bigger role in the outcome.

7/2 The Halfway Point: There is 1/2 of the year left, start today and see all you can accomplish.

7/3 Why Complain?: Lack of perspective is why we complain. Ground yourself and center yourself and keep going.

7/4 Freedom: Freedom is a right for everyone but a right that must not be taken for granted.

7/5 Clarity: Life is a push to find clarity and purpose for what we are doing. It is a journey.

7/6 Sad Like Rain: Treat emotions like the weather. They are real and sometimes today is just hard, or filled with bad weather. But tomorrow, the Sun could come out and be better.

7/7 Food is Community: We are meant to share meals with one another. It is less about the food and more about being together.

7/8 Perfection: Perfection is a mindset, not a state of being. Keep pushing to achieve.

7/9 Start With Motivation: Find things you are drawn to do and start. The natural motivation will cause the first domino to fall.

7/10 Greatness is Repeated Good: Greatness is not one large action it is repeatable small actions of good.

7/11 The Game of Life: Treating life like a game helps us progress through the levels and grow our skills.

7/12 Relationships: Humans need connection and relationships provide the connection we need to move through life.

7/13 Assume You are Below Average: Almost everyone assumes they are better than they are. Assuming you are below average gives you an edge to push forward and to continue evolving.

7/14 Enough: It is hard to understand the concept of having “enough.” This realization lets us find more happiness in our lives.

7/15 Burn the Boats: If you want to commit, go all in and do not give yourself an escape route. You must achieve or else.

7/16 Charisma: The best leaders have a natural charisma that lets them command a room while also forming individual relationships with all those involved.

7/17 Rent is Due: If you are pushing for a goal, rent is due every day. Pay the rent to improve.

7/18 In Person: In person interactions can be scary at first but offer the human connection not felt in virtual situations.

7/19 Automation: Automation is coming to change our lives. Automate the parts we don’t like so we can spend more time doing what we do like.

7/20 When You Do Not Want to, You Need to: Days where motivation is nonexistent are the best days to act. Acting with no motivation proves you are who you say you want to be.

7/21 Two-Day Rule: If you want to form a new habit, adopt the Two-Day Rule. You can miss one day, just don’t miss two in a row. The secret is being consistent.

7/22 Stress: Being stressed about something shows you care. View stress as an indication you care and take control over this natural feeling.

7/23 Speed of Time: Time slows down for no-one. The best time to act was yesterday, the second best time is now.

7/24 Simple Does not Mean Easy: Simple and easy are not synonyms. We want a simple life, not an easy one.

7/25 The Big 3: What you do, where you live, and who you’re with are the big 3 that guide your life.

7/26 Kaizen: Kaizen is a Japanese business methodology aiming for daily and continuous improvement.

7/27 Kodawari (こだわり): Kodawari is a Japanese principle of aiming for perfection while also realizing it is impossible to be perfect.

7/28 Anger: Anger is a real human emotion. How we handle our anger has drastic consequences for our lives.

7/29 Sleep: Humans need to sleep. Just because it is a need does not mean you need to let sleep own you. Master sleep to master your life.

7/30 Opportunity Cost of Time: The decision of how we spend our time is one that can have immense results over the long run.


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