September Month Recap

September 30th, 2023

With the ninth month done, I once again wanted to recap the past month. We are officially 9 out of 12 months done with this part of the journey. Nine months of writing and posting every day.

Check out my August recap here.

Check out my July recap here.

Check out my June recap here.

Check out my May recap here.

Check out my April recap here.

Check out my March recap here.

Check out my February recap here.

Check out my January recap here.

I am doing the recap as a monthly practice so any new subscribers can go back and check out posts they have missed. If you have read all of them, thank you! You can use today’s to go back and reread and share some of your favorites.

Additionally, today’s edition is a fantastic one to share with anyone you believe will enjoy what I am writing. I am looking to grow and reach more people’s inboxes, so if you have anyone in mind, please share my work! If you have enjoyed my words and perspectives, please pass the message to someone else! If everyone reading this shares with 1 person that makes a huge difference in the audience I am reaching.

9/1 Pirates and the Navy: Operating like a pirate or like a navy are two different ways to lead your life. One has absolute control of their ship and the other defaults to the military hierarchy. Both have their benefits.

9/2 Don’t See Where it Goes: When you “see where it goes” you are letting life control you instead of you controlling life.

9/3 Schedule Time: Schedule time to fill your life with what you want to be doing.

9/4 Common Ground: Relationships exist because of similarities, because of the common ground.

9/5 Nothingness: Sometimes the best thing you can do is slip into the void of nothingness, turn it all off. Be nothing.

9/6 First or Last: There are first and last moves for everything in life. Do you need to start or do you need to finish what is in front of you?

9/7 Physical Challenge: There is nothing like accomplishing something requiring physical exertion. Challenge yourself physically and you will be pushed to be better.

9/8 The Best Differentiator: You and who you are is your best differentiator compared to others.

9/9 Trees: A tree is so much more than just a tree, respect and bask in the awe they produce.

9/10 Grass Isn’t Always Greener: People always want the “new” or “different” thing, but the grass is not always greener.

9/11 Remember the Past: History can be used to interpret the future, the past matters.

9/12 Understand Language: Language is the key that unlocks the doors to every interaction in the world.

9/13 Ambitious People Need Each Other: Ambitious people search for and crave to be around like-minded individuals. They need each other to realize their personal ambition at the highest level.

9/14 Find Your Superpower: We all have superpowers, we just need to find and unlock them.

9/15 1 Day or Every Day: There is a huge difference between once a week and every day.

9/16: Speed-bumps: Mistakes and failures do not define who you are, your reaction and response does.

9/17 Progress Check: Do not be afraid to check in and get a status report of where you currently stand.

9/18 If It’s Meant to Be… The paths of life can be confusing. Try to not get upset about things that are out of your control. It’s meant to be, it’s meant to be.

9/19 Anchoring Bias: What you anchor to can hold you back. Keep progressing and keep moving the anchor forward.

9/20 Insult Response: Your response to insults dictates the power the insult has over you. Opt for a response that keeps the power in your hands.

9/21 Personal Supporters: As you find more success, the people who once supported you may become more quiet. Assess your support system and see who sticks around.

9/22 Build a Personal Library: Why build a shelf of ideas when you can build a full library of different ideas, possibilities, and experiences?

9/23 Happiness Equation: You can’t perfectly predict happiness, but you can opt to live a life where happiness comes to your life easier.

9/24 Theory Will Take You Only So Far: The idea of acting or changing lives in your mind. Without action, nothing will change. Take the theory and make it a reality.

9/25 Daily Toll: Some days you just don’t have “it.” Zoom out and realize it is only one day, don’t let that one day define you.

9/26 Mentors Empower: Form relationships with those who can help us through life. We benefit from walking through life with the advice and companionship of others.

9/27 If You Could Change the Past, Would You? We are the sum of all of the choices and decisions we have ever made. If you could change what has been done, what would your life look like today? Would you opt to change?

9/28 The Devil that is Shame: Shame will paralyze you if you let it have power over you. Have the courage to defeat it.

9/29 Compete With Others: Competition with others unlocks ability and potential you could not find if you were to operate alone.

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