November Month Recap

November 30th, 2023

With the eleventh month done, I once again wanted to recap the past month. We are officially 11 out of 12 months done with this part of the journey. Eleven months of writing and posting every day.

Check out my October recap here.

Check out my August recap here.

Check out my July recap here.

Check out my June recap here.

Check out my May recap here.

Check out my April recap here.

Check out my March recap here.

Check out my February recap here.

Check out my January recap here.

I am doing this recap as a monthly practice so any new subscribers can go back and check out posts they have missed. If you have read all of them, thank you! You can use today’s to go back and reread and share some of your favorites.

Additionally, today’s edition is a fantastic one to share with anyone you believe will enjoy what I am writing. I am looking to grow and reach more people’s inboxes, so if you have anyone in mind, please share my work! If you have enjoyed my words and perspectives, please pass the message to someone else! If everyone reading this shares with 1 person that makes a huge difference in the audience I am reaching.

11/1 The Push to the End: When the finish line is in sight, your mind gives your body a boost propelling you forward. Get close, and you will rocket to the end.

11/2 Inevitable Regrets: Regrets will happen in life, choose the options that give you the regrets you can live with.

11/3 The Weakest Link: Find where you are weakest and spend time fortifying the defense. You’re only as strong as the weakest part of you.

11/4 Pain and Injury: Pain and injury are vastly different. Injury is the “can’t” of your life and pain is the “won’t” of your life. Don’t give in to the “won’t.”

11/5 Relentlessly Iterate: Iteration is how you improve and how you inch towards your goal. Keep looking for ways to be better. Be relentless.

11/6 The Missing Piece: When you slip into a routine it’s easy to be missing something in life. Search for the missing piece until you find it.

11/7 Rearview Opportunity: Any opportunity initially seemed like a risk. Take the risk to realize the opportunity.

11/8 75% Complete: Lie to yourself and say you have to go further than you really do. The final 1/4 of anything is much harder than the first 75%. Trick yourself so you can finish strong.

11/9 Go Together: If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

11/10 Coffee and The Yacht: If you can’t be happy with a coffee, you won’t be happy with a yacht. Enjoy what you have now so you can enjoy what you will have in the future.

11/11 Sacrifice: Sacrifice is a pillar of human evolution.

11/12 The Trick of Advice: Advice only gets you so far. You need feedback and to trial and iterate in order to carve out a way to “make it."

11/13 Endurance on The Journey: You need endurance to sustain any journey you follow through life.

11/14 Validation Holds Back: Seeking validation can be detrimental to your life if you let it be your reason for acting. Remove the need for validation and begin to live a free life.

11/15 The First Move: The first move is the scariest but also offers the highest potential for reward. Remove the fear and take your slice of the pie, don’t settle for crumbs.

11/16 Origin of Fear: When fear controls all, fear wins and fear controls your life. It’s all a trick of the mind.

11/17 Too Much = Nothing: A wide net catches a lot of fish but you don’t need more fish, you need a bigger fish to take all of your attention.

11/18 10,000 Hours Perspective: 10,000 hours of work is meaningless if the work is haphazard. 10,000 hours filled with 10,000 iterations is how you maximize the return of your time.

11/19 The Marathon: The marathon is an equalizer for all participants, everyone who toes the starting line has the same goal in mind— finish 26.2 miles.

11/20 Hold Your Standard: Set your standard and stick to it. You know what level you need to reach.

11/21 Mental Athlete: Competitive sports will end but training your mind won’t end until your time on Earth is up. Never stop training and elevating your status as a mental athlete.

11/22 Yin and Yang of Obsession: Obsession creates and obsession can consume. Light a fire but don’t it burn you.

11/23 Be Thankful: Feelings of thankfulness and gratitude are easy to overlook unless you’re conscious of them.

11/24 The Plan and The Goal: A goal and a plan are different parts of the journey but both are needed to achieve what you want to achieve.

11/25 Misunderstanding of The Journey: Fall in love with The Journey but never lose sight of your North Star. Your goals are what you are chasing on The Journey.

11/26 Scorpion and the Frog: Change is hard but not impossible.

11/27 Linear Progression: Practicing activities that have a tendency of linear progression gives you a lifeline to cling to as you navigate the game of life.

11/28 1° Principle: A 1° difference in temperature is the difference between water being cold and water being ice, and water being hot and water boiling. You could be 1° away in your life from a breakthrough.

11/29 Commit Before Ready: Committing prematurely signals to your mind, body, and soul that you are serious about a change. Instead of pondering if you will change, you can now ponder how you will achieve the change you want.

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