October Month Recap

October 31st, 2023

With the tenth month done, I once again wanted to recap the past month. We are officially 10 out of 12 months done with this part of the journey. Ten months of writing and posting every day.

Check out my August recap here.

Check out my July recap here.

Check out my June recap here.

Check out my May recap here.

Check out my April recap here.

Check out my March recap here.

Check out my February recap here.

Check out my January recap here.

I am doing this recap as a monthly practice so any new subscribers can go back and check out posts they have missed. If you have read all of them, thank you! You can use today’s to go back and reread and share some of your favorites.

Additionally, today’s edition is a fantastic one to share with anyone you believe will enjoy what I am writing. I am looking to grow and reach more people’s inboxes, so if you have anyone in mind, please share my work! If you have enjoyed my words and perspectives, please pass the message to someone else! If everyone reading this shares with 1 person that makes a huge difference in the audience I am reaching.

10/1 Be the “New Guy”: Being the “new guy” in any situation is throwing yourself into a fountain that growth streams out of.

10/2 Keep Trudging: Mistakes are a part of life. Learn to move on, accept them, and keep pushing forward.

10/3 Compounded Devotion: Find something you can be devoted to and let the law of compounding work its magic.

10/4 Presence in the Present: In a bustling world we can all benefit from slowing down and appreciating the present moment. Ditch the future and forget the past, focus on the now.

10/5 What Real Luck Is: To find out how lucky you really are, stop and appreciate where you are in the world.

10/6 0 Percent Weeks: You don’t need to be perfect, you just need to avoid periods of time where you are a 0.

10/7 Stranger Encounters: Some of the best information and conversation can come from approaching a stranger and opening a dialogue.

10/8 Another Year: The birthday is a social construct representing another year around the Sun. But you don’t need this date to come for you to make a change, you can make one at any point in time.

10/9 3 Generations Later: 3 generations from now it’s almost guaranteed no one will remember you. Don’t let fear of what people will think of you prevent you from acting.

10/10 Imitate then Innovate: Find inspiration from those who are more successful than you. Imitate what they do and then innovate their processes in your own life.

10/11 Pain is Inevitable: Life is hard and with it, pain will come. Through the pain and suffering you grow.

10/12 The Guts to be First: It’s scary to be first because being first is the unpopular decision until it’s proven to be the right decision.

10/13 Optimist Sandwich: Optimism gets you started and helps you finish. Pessimism is what keeps you iterating and improving along the way.

10/14 Be Urgent: Having urgency in life prompts you to lead a life of action instead of a life of inaction.

10/15 Sight: We use our eyes every day but don’t always appreciate the magic this sense provides.

10/16 Loss: Loss is a reminder that time is finite. Make the most of every second.

10/17 Go One More: Going one more is an outcome-based philosophy, not action-based. Focus on the outcome to ensure you act deliberately and efficiently.

10/18 Bigger than the Situation: When times are chaotic, rising above the situation lets you act cool, calm, and collected.

10/19 Worst-Case Scenario: By planning for the worst-case scenario you set yourself up to avoid any outcome you don’t desire.

10/20 (Dis)Ability: Focus on abilities rather than your disabilities to find more positives in your life.

10/21 Commitment to Others: Part of the human experience is being there for others when they are in need.

10/22 Burden of Unmade Decisions: The weight of an unmade decision is holding your mental capacity back. Make a decision and move on with your life.

10/23 Better Friends, Not More: More isn’t always better, surround yourself with people who actually care about you.

10/24 Chase Experiences: Force yourself to not think of the “what if,” act so you always have the memory of doing, of experiencing.

10/25 Those Who Dream in the Past: Those who dream in the past live lives thinking they have already reached their peaks.

10/26 Those Who Dream Small: Those who dream small confine themselves to the realm of what’s currently possible.

10/27 Those Who Achieve a Dream then Live Bored: Too many people achieve a dream and then live complacent lives. Don’t stop dreaming.

10/28 Those Who Dream Big with No Plan: Big dreams require a plan otherwise they will stay just dreams forever.

10/29 Those Who Dream Big, Achieve, and Dream Bigger: The cycle of life is dreaming, achieving, and dreaming again. Never stop dreaming and never stop achieving.

10/30 Don’t Be Normal: Doing non-normal things is what makes you feel alive. Chase that feeling. Chase being not normal.

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