December Month Recap

December 31st, 2023

With the twelfth month done, I once again wanted to recap the past month. We have officially posted a newsletter every day of this year. What started as just an idea and a goal has now reached the culmination of this stage of the journey. Twelve months of writing and posting every day complete. This goal is completed but the journey has just begun. My writing will change going forward, thank you to everyone who has committed to reading and supporting me. Hearing your thoughts and opinions on my writing has made it all worth it to me.

Following the prior month’s recaps, below are links to all of my other monthly recaps and then links to everything I have written in December. Thank you again for all of the support.

Check out my October recap here.

Check out my August recap here.

Check out my July recap here.

Check out my June recap here.

Check out my May recap here.

Check out my April recap here.

Check out my March recap here.

Check out my February recap here.

Check out my January recap here.

Below is everything written in December:

12/1 Childhood Creative: Children have creativity that gets lost as they age. It’s through immersing yourself in this creativity again where you can find what is missing in your life.

12/2 The Dash: The Dash (—) on your tombstone is more important than either date. The dash (—) is how you lived your life, it’s your life story.

12/3 Run the Maze: Life is a maze, you will find dead ends and straightaways, keep moving forward.

12/4 Perception of Stress: How you perceive stress is how it will act in your life. Negative or positive, whatever light you view stress in you will realize it.

12/5 Toolbox of Stress: Stress isn’t always bad, it’s a toolbox you can open and utilize to benefit your life.

12/6 It’s Niche: With a niche you are boxed in. Expand your interests and let your ideas flow.

12/7 I’m Stuck: Being stuck in life is okay. Realize you are, then spring into action. Action unsticks the glue holding you in place.

12/8 Define Success: Success doesn’t need to mean chasing crazy goals. Live your life giving it your all and success will naturally find you.

12/9 80/20: 80% of your success will come from 20% of your time and efforts when applied appropriately.

12/10 Plan for the New Year: Don’t wait until January 1st to start mapping out what your next year will look like. Start planning now so you can hit the ground running.

12/11 3 Pieces to Fulfillment: The 3 areas of life where fulfillment is derived are the physical, mental, and spiritual realms.

12/12 3 Daily Challenges: Maintain goals in the physical, mental, and spiritual worlds and attack them daily.

12/13 Seek Momentum Not Motivation: Momentum may get you started but doesn’t stick around. Momentum is the cycle that keeps the wheels turning.

12/14 The Parable of the Mexican Fisherman: Everyone has their own life with their own goals and aspirations. It’s never too late to start living the life you want to live.

12/15 Give Yourself Feedback: When you can honestly assess where you are in your life you can iterate and improve on a faster basis than if you only relied on feedback from others.

12/16 It’s Never Too Late: It’s never too late to make a change. Stop telling yourself you “can’t” and start telling yourself you “could,” “will,” or “can.”

12/17 Plan Tomorrow Tonight: Don’t wait until tomorrow to decide what you are doing. Set a plan tonight so you can start tomorrow on the ground running.

12/18 The Sum of Who You Are: Every year of your life, every action and interaction equaled together is the sum of who you are as a person.

12/19 The Curious Amateur: The person who is always curious will pass the person who thinks they have reached the mountaintop.

12/20 Daily Surprises: Find something in your day that surprises you. This surprise makes your day different and gives you a highlight.

12/21 How to Measure Success: Measure success against yourself, not others.

12/22 Shoot to Make It: Have intention with the shots you take. Dictate what will happen, don’t leave the results up to chance.

12/23 Extreme Effort: Extreme effort is how you evolve and unlock who you really are.

12/24 The Wall: You can defeat the wall by persisting and never giving in. The wall wants to stop you, don’t let it.

12/25 Gifts: The best gift of all is presence in the present and time spent with others. Acknowledge and appreciate the importance of being together.

12/26 Systems and Goals: Systems and goals are different things but should come together in unison to elevate one another.

12/27 Lie to Liar: If you lie to yourself, you will lie to others. Tell the truth to yourself and let the truth guide you with others.

12/28 Do Hard Things: Embrace the struggle of hard work. The ability to do something hard makes you lucky and will change your life for the better.

12/29 Self-Love Standard: The purest form of self-love is holding yourself to the highest standard out of anyone.

12/30 The Goal Realized: 365 days of publishing writing every day is complete. This journey and goal have been achieved.

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